Construcciones, Asesorias E Ingenieria Integral Latinoamericano, C. A. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5.0 / 5.0 (1)
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Explotacion De Negocios De Servicios, Manejo De Empresas Comerciales E Industriales, Administracion De Los Servicios, Control Y Suministro, Compra Y Venta, Comercializacion Y Distribucion De Toda Clase De Bienes Muebles E Inmuebles, Maquinaria Y Equipos, Repuestos Y Accesorios Inherentes A La Prestacion De Servicios, Compra Y Venta, Instalacion, ...
Sector Federacion 1 Av. 44 Con Carretera H Residencia Nª 113, Cabimas, Zulia - Venezuela
+58 (264) 261-2143
+58 (414) 600-7222
+58 (264) 261-2766
Luis Alberto Oberto Saez
- Bricklayers
- Sawmills
- Fences
- Manufacturers
- Electricians
- Hardware stores
- Management of projects
- Forges
- Waterproofing
- Engineers consultants
- Electric engineers
- Lamps
- Machinery for the construction
- Ornamental stones
- Paintings
- Engineering projects
- Service of transport, freight, trips and movings
- Pastes, adhesives and lines
- Woods
- Contention walls
- Elevators and elevators
- Garbage / recolectores / equipments, compactadoras
- Bombs
- Systems and equipments of security
- Matters and electric equipments
- Boxes and packings
- Sport courts
- Transport
- Pavements
- Centers of communications
- Computation
- Environmental and ecological conservation
- Demolitions
- Scheme and equipments for office
- Commercial buildings
- Formwork
- Stairways
- Structure metallic
- Natural gas for vehicles
- Ovens
- Industrial engineers
- Mensuration instruments
- Gardening and reforestation
- Laboratories of floors, concretes and materials
- Sheets for roofs
- Rent of machineries and industrial equipments
- Services and reserves for industrial machineries
- Work civil
- Machineries and equipments for oil industries
- Oil companies
- Posts
- Perforation of wells
- Recreation centers
- Reserves for agricultural heavy machinery
- Services of security
- Signaling vial
- Stabilization and drainages of floors
- Transport international
- Treatment of water
- Pipes
- Valves
- Fans
- Carpentries
- Servicio de comida
- Servicios marítimos
- Desarrollo de sistemas, programas y software
- Construcción de carreteras
- Movimientos de tierra
- Servicios de outsourcing
- Cables de cobre
- Maquinarias, equipos e instrumentos electrónicos
- Interruptores (breakers)
- Servicios de limpieza
- Varios
- Asfalto
- Materiales para vapor
- Maquinarias, equipos y herramientas en general
- Bocadillería
- Pisos en general
- Equipos y materiales alumbrado público
- Estructuras de madera
- Reparación en general
- Autopistas, carreteras, puentes, túneles, calzadas - peajes
- Informática y ofimática
- Conductores y semiconductores